Consumables 1T T28 守护 德鲁伊
Here, you can compare expected DPS increase from consumables.
In order to compare consumables with this chart, look for the end of the bars corresponding to the rank of interest. However, you should simulate your own character to find your best setup. These simulations are based on predefined gear sets instead of your own, after all. This means data shown here depends heavily on the used profile with its talents, its gear, etc. and is rather giving an outlook. If your character is different from the setup used here, personal simulations are recommended.
更新时间: Apr 27, 07:47 AM (CEST)
WoW Version: #69c25b01b2
目标容错率: 0.1% (~9 DPS)
Fight Length: 4.0 - 6.0 minutes