Combinations Fulls 1TA T28 暗影 牧师


The purpose of these simulations is to get a general idea of how different setups will compare with each other and not to promote any definitive best builds. Several variables (like different trinkets or ingame situations) are not taken into account. This is why you, as always, should simulate your own character to find your optimal setup.

更新时间: Apr 26, 06:36 AM (CEST)
WoW Version: #e718ffa2a0
目标容错率: 0.2% (~33 DPS)
Fight Length: 4.06.0 minutes

#TalentsSoulbind TreeDPSBoss DPS% Diff
1Necrolord; Heirmir; Forgeborne Reveries; Mind Devourer; Heirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone; Rabid Shadows; Carver's Eye; Mnemonic Equipment; Shadowflame Prism; Pallid Command22517153860.0
2Venthyr; Theotar; Soothing Shade; Haunting Apparitions; Mind Devourer; Rabid Shadows; Party Favors; Shadowflame Prism; Shadow Word: Manipulation2247215321-0.2
3Necrolord; Heirmir; Forgeborne Reveries; Haunting Apparitions; Heirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone; Rabid Shadows; Carver's Eye; Mnemonic Equipment; Shadowflame Prism; Pallid Command2246915484-0.2
4Venthyr; Theotar; Soothing Shade; Shattered Perceptions; Haunting Apparitions; Rabid Shadows; Party Favors; Shadowflame Prism; Shadow Word: Manipulation2244215380-0.3
5Venthyr; Theotar; Soothing Shade; Shattered Perceptions; Mind Devourer; Rabid Shadows; Party Favors; Shadowflame Prism; Shadow Word: Manipulation2243815248-0.4
6Venthyr; Theotar; Soothing Shade; Shattered Perceptions; Haunting Apparitions; Rabid Shadows; Party Favors; Eternal Call to the Void; Shadow Word: Manipulation2243414474-0.4
7Venthyr; Nadjia; Thrill Seeker; Shattered Perceptions; Haunting Apparitions; Rabid Shadows; Fatal Flaw; Eternal Call to the Void; Shadow Word: Manipulation2243314246-0.4
8Venthyr; Draven; Haunting Apparitions; Built for War; Rabid Shadows; Battlefield Presence; Shadowflame Prism; Shadow Word: Manipulation2240615111-0.5
9Venthyr; Theotar; Soothing Shade; Shattered Perceptions; Haunting Apparitions; Mind Devourer; Party Favors; Eternal Call to the Void; Shadow Word: Manipulation2240514431-0.5
10Venthyr; Nadjia; Thrill Seeker; Shattered Perceptions; Haunting Apparitions; Mind Devourer; Fatal Flaw; Eternal Call to the Void; Shadow Word: Manipulation2240314207-0.5
11Venthyr; Draven; Haunting Apparitions; Built for War; Mind Devourer; Battlefield Presence; Eternal Call to the Void; Shadow Word: Manipulation2239414192-0.5
12Venthyr; Nadjia; Thrill Seeker; Haunting Apparitions; Dauntless Duelist; Mind Devourer; Fatal Flaw; Eternal Call to the Void; Shadow Word: Manipulation2239214217-0.6
13Venthyr; Nadjia; Thrill Seeker; Shattered Perceptions; Haunting Apparitions; Rabid Shadows; Fatal Flaw; Shadowflame Prism; Shadow Word: Manipulation2237615118-0.6
14Venthyr; Nadjia; Thrill Seeker; Haunting Apparitions; Mind Devourer; Rabid Shadows; Fatal Flaw; Shadowflame Prism; Shadow Word: Manipulation2237415062-0.6
15Venthyr; Nadjia; Thrill Seeker; Haunting Apparitions; Dauntless Duelist; Rabid Shadows; Fatal Flaw; Eternal Call to the Void; Shadow Word: Manipulation2237114259-0.6
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